Unhoused Neighbors

A Documentary

Currently in Post-Production

To be released in 2025

Unhoused Neighbors is a documentary that will tell the stories of individuals that might otherwise go unheard. The hope is to shed a light on what it means to live outside in Sacramento. We also wish to provide a window into a little-known segment of our communities, one that is frequently stigmatized and dehumanized through harmful stereotypes.

On any given night, upwards of 580,000 people are experiencing homelessness in the United States.



California makes up approximately 12% of the total population of the United States, but accounts for 30% of the country’s homeless.



In Sacramento, California’s capitol, the homeless population grew 67% from 2019-2022.



Unhoused Neighbors is a film that will document the stories of people experiencing homelessness in Sacramento, in their words, from their point of view.